Friday, 18 December 2009

Tuesday, 15 December 2009


'Synesthesia' by Terry Timely

More triangle love

Monday, 14 December 2009

Triangle love

I was in Analogue this weekend (having a browse on the way back from Christmas shopping) and I found this book, with enough patterns to keep me happy for a very long time. The end.
I decided to share the love, with a couple of triangle ones. :)

Sunday, 13 December 2009

The Book Clock

Not sure who's responsible for this, but quite nice. Stainless steel hands on reinforced heavyweight card and paper. Measures 20 x 20 x 15 cm and runs on a single AA battery.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Friday, 4 December 2009

Digital Wallpaper

a digital version of our GF Smith wallpaper project (click on image to expand and save to your desktop!)

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Grocery Store Wars

Enough said. Its a parody in its truest form :) 

Friday, 27 November 2009

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Studio Thomson turns 5

Saw this and it reminded me of our wallpaper!

Monday, 16 November 2009

rules for my unborn son

Boys need rules. One man's instructions for raising a thoughtful, adventurous, honest, hardworking, self-reliant, well-dressed, well-read, well-mannered young gentleman.

for example:
395. Be mindful of what comes between you and the earth. Buy good tires, good sheets, and good shoes.
369. Never get your hair cut on the day of the big dance.
239. Never post a picture online you wouldn't feel comfortable showing your mother, your boss, and the dean of admissions.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Wednesday, 4 November 2009


onlab work mainly in print and they have a great archive of work on their website. In particular, their work with DOMUS magazine. In the march 2009 issue of Domus, and ever since, onlab design the monthly section called Intersections.
"The march issue discusses the mechanisms, strengths, frailties and possible scenarios on the eve of Web 3.0. For us, the tools, services and problems of the new or other internet are commonplace and part every day life - both at work and in private. From personal experience we know that the Web is a powerful medium, but it is not the only one. To contrast with the discourse about the impact of the web, we decided to produce an Intersections that only the printed form of a magazine could create and a possibility for tactile interaction by the reader. For this issue, we work in collaboration with the german illustrator Tobias Krafczyk. Fold this issue of Intersections to learn more" (From the onlab website)
Watch it being done:


This is the artwork for Callahan's limited edition (500 copies!) 2009 EP, 'Down the Line'. CD, poster and postcards created by Dynamo; Swiss duo Thibaud Tissot and Yassin Baggar. Under the moniker Dynamo, they have built a space in which to play, experiment and collaborate.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Lazy Oaf

Stumbled upon Lazy Oaf today, an awsome website full of tees, accessories, toys, stationary and 'goodies'. Lots of fun stuff and quite a good blog as well. Thats Christmas presents sorted then!

Friday, 30 October 2009

Sleigh bells are ringing... it can only mean one thing!

Its that time of year again!
We've decided, after many chats with the 3rd and 4th years to head back to the Bowery for our annual Christmas party. Tickets will be available soon... 
Theme: Dress to Impress

johann volkmer: 'faltjahr 2010' pop-up calendar

"The 'faltjahr 2010' calendar by johann volkmer displays each month with a pop-up sculpture. the intricately crafted designs are A3 sized when opened and folded in half for storage. subtle graphics ensure that attention is paid to what is achieved with the paper. (photography by kristian barthen)."

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

encore heureux + G studio: 'room room' - crossing dialogues: for emergency architecture

""room room" is a project that was conceived and developed by encore heureux + G studio for the recent 'crossing: dialogues for emergency architecture exhibition held at NAMOC (national art museum of china). The exhibition commemorated the first anniversary of the wenchaun earthquake aiming to bring a broad range of social concern for reconstruction in the disaster affected areas, to raise awareness of disaster affected areas, to raise awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation."

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Tea Party

Thank you to everyone who popped into the studio today. I really appreciated it! Here are some of the pictures we took earlier, just to mark the memory of such a lovely afternoon. 
Thankyou again xx

The two obsessive tea drinkers in the Graphics studio. You will rarely see us without a mug of green/ herbal/ chai/ normal teaaaa :) 

Awkward Family Photos

I think we can all say, this is definitely better than Sexy people, and that woman above.... remind anybody of anything?